Saturday, September 25, 2010

chapter 15-21 response

What is the tragedy in chapter 19? Do you sympathize for Billy Budd? Why or why not?

Captain Vere is having a discussion with Claggart as he accuses Billy of conspiracy. Captain Vere, doubts his claims and demands evidence. They decide to call Billy in to confront him; and from past experiences the reader knows that in tense situations, he has the tendency to stutter. After listening to all the accusations, Billy is speechless and reverts to violence, throwing a fatal blow to Claggarts face.
Similar to the incident with Red Whiskers, he acted on impulse. This violent side to him seemed to appear from his character when he felt wronged. As perfect as he may be appearance wise, Billy definitely struggles mentally. I sympathize Billy for the fact that people despise him without a solid reason to, and even creates false accusations in order to make Billy's life worse. However, I feel that Billy, or anyone for his age, should act so recklessly even though he knew it was false, as did Captain Vere. His actions were too rash. Billy does not look too innocent now, by more primal and imprudent.

Is justice served for Billy Budd? Why or why not? Who is to be thanked or blamed for the decisions of the court?

Justice is definitely not served, not only because killing someone as a punishment doesn't really solve anything, but also becasue both Claggart and Billy were at fault for their own deaths. Firstly, if it were not for Claggart's bad impressions as well as the need to punish Billy (from hearing false rumors), Billy would not have striked him. Secondly, Billy claims that Claggart always treated him with nothing but praises and friendly behaviour. Even with Dansker at his side warning Billy to be more aware of Claggart's attitude, his advice was ignored, Billy felt he had no reason to suspect Claggart of anything. He is completely oblivious, and his violent outbreak was not going assist him in any way either. They are both responsible for their own death.

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